Nature Holidays in Ethiopia

Welcome to Our Website! We are the best nature based tour operator in Ethiopia. We provide hiking & trekking, bird watching, rafting, kayaking, fishing, horse riding, bicycle tours, agri tours, coffee & tea tasting, adventure holidays, wildlife viewing, Photo Tours, camping and outdoors. Explore the scenic beauty of Ethiopia with us!
Bird watching tours in Ethiopia - Roller
Bird Watching in Ethiopia - bee eater
birding tour in Ethiopia - Pygmy

Ethiopia is a paradise for bird watchers and ornithologists!
bird watcher guide - ornithologist
...I was really taken to the best possible in all aspects of what a birding should be and that means ...thrilling!!!
Lieven Thyrion, G.M
Les Ballets C. de la B.
Ghent, Belgium [Read more]
Ethiopia offers unique natural environment for wide variety of bird species and its outstanding places for bird watchers and ornithologists.

Ethiopia is nicknamed as bird watchers' paradise for its very rich variety of colorful birds. There are about 862 species registered of which 17 are endemic and other 13 are semi-endemic to the wilderness of the country.

The Bale Mountains National Park, the Awash Park, the Rift valley lakes, the lowlands and the Simien Mountains National Park are gifted with most endemic avifauna and ideal places for bird watchers and ornithologists.

It's possible to spot birds throughout the year in the forests, lakes and mountains. The best time though is from September to April.
Bird Watching Tours
We organize bird-watching tours in Ethiopia escorted by bird expert guides.

We guarantee you to spot number of bird species of Ethiopia closely within few days of stay in their specially chosen wilderness of the gifted land.

You can download Ethiopia's Endemic birds' checklist and itineraries we suggest here.

9 Days Tour From $1795USD/pax Itinerary (pdf)    Book Now!

18 Days Tour From $2685USD/pax
Book Now!

Endemic Birds Checlist (pdf)

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