Hiking & Trekking in Ethiopia - Banner

Welcome to Our Website! We are the best nature based tour operator in Ethiopia. We provide hiking & trekking, bird watching, rafting, kayaking, fishing, horse riding, bicycle tours, agri tours, coffee & tea tasting, adventure holidays, wildlife viewing, Photo Tours, camping and outdoors. Explore the scenic beauty of Ethiopia with us!
Blue Nile Gorge - Ethiopia Short Tours
Ethiopia Short Tours - Lake Bishoftu
Ethiopia Short Tours - Tiya Stele Field

One or Two days Excursions around Addis Ababa

Ethiopia Short Tours - Debre Libanos Monastery :: Short Tours & Excursions in Ethiopia

We organize excursions and short tours around Addis Ababa for those who are in short of time. You can do bird watching, hiking, horse riding, fishing, kayaking, and many more with in one or two days of your time.

While you are in business or conference in Addis Ababa, call us or drop to our office.

You can experience history, culture and nature in only two days during your short tours in Ethiopia. The tours can be to Adadi Mariam Church, Tiya Stele Field, Debre Libanos Monastery, Blue Nile Gorge, Awash National Park, Langano, Awassa, Wondo Genet, Wonchi Crater Lake, Menagesha Suba Forest, and many more.

During your excursion or short tours, you'll be filled in with the highlights of Ethiopia and its interesting places that everyone should see.
Come and recieve our hospitality and friendship!

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Simien Trekking | Bale Trekking | Surma Trekking | Timkat Festival | Fishing | Danakil Depression
Bicycle Tour | Coffee Tasting | Water Rafting | Sheik Hussien | Kayaking | Horse Riding

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